Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 48: Me & My Red Bow!

I wanted to add some pop to my hair! I have all this ribbon and not really doing much with it so I made this bow! I'm thinking I need to learn how to tie a bow so that the ends stick down towards my ponytail now away!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day Forty One: Smells From The Middle!

My hair has been smelling like mildew lately. i'm thinking it's because of all the baggying at night and not really giving it enough to dry, so basically it is wet all day. It's been like a week. And i've stopped baggying. i even washed it and the smell didn't come out. The smell is really just annoying! it's like a wet scrunchy!!! aaaarrggghh! i'm going to have to do some kind of research to get this smell out of my hair! it's very annoying. wish me luck!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day Thirty Three:Missing My Buns!

Now that I don't have to do buns this week i miss them! they were sooo neat and didn't have hairs just curling everywhere! I'm getting quite bored to be honest. And I don't want to loose all of the progress i've gotten, getting lazy. So maybe i can just do some reserch on some different styles i can do. wish me luck!

Sunday, May 1, 2011